Local schools and nurseries
Finding a good school or nursery for your children is as important in the decision of where you live as the home you rent. Wembley Park and the local area has a wealth of quality schools and nurseries, most rated as 'Outstanding' or 'Good'. Use our handy school checker below to find schools in the area and the distance to them from your home. We've calculated the distance based on one of our more central buildings called Landsby. Distances vary slightly based on the building you choose but you can find the exact distance from your building of choice here.
Exceptional childcare
and schools
Primary school education begins in the UK at age 5 and continues until age 11. There's a good selection of Primary schools in the neighbourhood, with 4 being rated 'Outstanding' by Ofsted. St Christopher's School, Lycee International de Londres and Buxlow Preparatory School are also local independent school options.
When your child starts nursery, it's a big deal for them and their development, and for you. So it's ideal there are 9 nurseries and pre-schools to choose from, 4 of which are rated 'Outstanding' by Ofsted. Canopy nursery is conveniently located on the doorstep of our Canada Gardens and Madison apartment buildings, opening out onto Union Park.
There's a choice of 4 Secondary schools for older children aged 11 to 16, all within 2 miles from Wembley Park, 2 are marked as "Outstanding" by Ofsted, such as Ark Academy and Michaela Community School.